Siecap understands that managerial decisions are increasingly being based on analysis, using data to support and make informed decisions. When “averages” are not adequate to define complex operations and traditional deterministic methods do not address the levels of dependency within components, nor the inherent variabilities that often characterize modern day supply chains or operations, Siecap can provide quantitative decision support and systems analysis through discrete event simulation, considering all physical intermodal processes to measure the actions, effects and responses within a system.
Siecap’s simulation offering primarily makes use of SIPMath, @Risk and ExtendSim, together forming a multi-domain/platform simulation toolbox that enables Siecap to model complex continuous, discrete event and discrete rate systems.
Siecap has developed its simulation offering around the use of quantitative models, applying the principles of System Dynamics and probability management, which has its origins in “Monte Carlo” or stochastic simulation. Siecap’s offering has been developed to provide organizations with enhanced decision support and a better understanding of the complex characteristics and uncertainty of their operation’s setting.
By providing a logical, virtual representation of a system or process, Siecap’s dynamic simulations enable detailed understanding and assessment of the dynamic variable nature of an environment and the inputs and responses of a system or process.
Siecaps’ Simulation Capabilities:
Supply chain design and capacity assessment
Mining pit to port distribution systems
Transshipping Analysis
Mineral processing
Complex Port Operations (import, export container terminals)
Industrial process plants
System capacity/constraint assessments
Mineral Processing Verification
Siecap developed a mineral process model using lab test data and first principle methodologies i.e. mass and energy conservation and population balance methodology. Each piece of equipment within the process was configured individually i.e. use, availability and processing variability rates.
The simulation allowed the client to:
Verify equipment sizes (tanks, pumps, pipes & valves)
Test process control strategies
Perform Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) analyses.
De-bottleneck operations
Optimize energy use.
Modelling and Analysis of Complex Port Operations
Siecap developed a discrete event simulation model using ExtendSim to model a proposed port precinct’s operation. The simulation produced a set of results for different land use scenarios detailing resource utilization, the total number of trucks passing through, length of queues, average waiting time etc. all of which served to illustrate each scenario’s ability to address the issue of congestion within the new proposed port precinct.
ExtendSim was chosen as the simulation software. ExtendSim is a multi-purpose simulation tool, with large possibilities for customization and can handle a wide range of models, including continuous, discrete event, agent-based and non-linear simulations.
Workforce Optimization
Siecap developed a discrete event simulation to help develop and optimize schedules for underground crews. This included determining the most efficient deployment schedule with current equipment and constraints and then comparing it to an unconstrained approach.
Modelling four discrete scenarios the simulation helped the client minimize productivity losses, identify constraints and obstacles to crew movements between two vertical access shafts and help implement changes to schedules and transit equipment to ensure that time at face is maximized.
The simulation made use of Extendsim, @Risk and SIPMath, to together form a multi-domain simulation platform that enabled Siecap to model the complex continuous multi-modal system.
Pit to Port Simulation
Siecap developed a discrete event model to identify and address potential queuing issues, waiting times, delays and resource/facility utilization. The primary purpose was to demonstrate a workable logistics solution and secondly to provide an operations analysis tool to evaluate the effect of delays and risk events on the productivity and viability of the project.
The ability to include randomness and show dynamic aspects through time is one of the most valuable characteristics of a Siecap simulation. Introducing randomness into a model mimics the patterns and unpredictability of the real world, increasing model accuracy.
The transshipping of the product was a critical component of the supply chain, from the arrival of vessels at an offshore berth, the mooring of the vessel, to the barge unloading all the while taking into account the physical environment and restrictions at site (wind, waves, tide, etc.).
CNG Virtual Pipeline Simulation
Siecap developed a dynamic simulation of a CNG Virtual-pipeline for a client’s proposed development as an alternative method of transporting natural gas where no pipeline networks are available. The simulation was based on a modular system of compression, transport and decompression of natural gas.
The simulation model identified critical points of failure within the delivery. Based on the results obtained, an appropriate solution was determined, making the whole process function more efficiently and reliably.
Siecap understands that in order to remain competitive and profitable, it is essential that operations have all their processes, logistics and integrated supply chains operating at the maximum efficiency and this is where the use of integrated simulation really adds value.
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